The Music Academy of North (MANC) in Greensboro offers a state-wide piano competition in November for the following areas:
Elementary (Ages 7-10, with 5-minute time limit)
Junior Ages 11-14, with 8-minute time limit)
Senior (Ages 15-18, with 10-minute time limit )
Elementary and Junior Division students must perform 2 contrasting pieces by memory. The Senior Division students will perform 3 contrasting pieces. The musical event format is listed below:
8:30-12:00 PM Competition for all students
1:00 Senior Finalists Compete with their 3rd piece (behind a curtain)
1:00 Master Class for Elementary and Junior students
Afternoon Winners Recital
All Events are held at:
The Music Academy of North Carolina
1327 Beaman Place
Greensboro, NC 27408