Higgins Piano Studio

Piano Lessons and Composition Camps


Composition Achievements

International Piano Composition Contest (sponsored by the Guild)
Ivan Liu                       Goblin Dance


Jolin Cheng                 Mystic Dragon Dance
Kenneth Grecu           The Crusade
Eric Higgins                 The Chilling Chamber
Albert Liu                     Chicken Dance
Justin Wang                 Dance of the Snowman
Claire Yu                      Evening Masquerade

Federation Junior Composers Competition
CLASS I (Ages 9 and under)
Winner:          Ivan Liu                     Goblin Dance
2nd Place:     Albert Liu                   Chicken Dance

CLASS II (Ages 10-12)
Winner:          Claire Yu                   Evening Masquerade
2nd Place:      Ethan Chen              Mythical Journey

CLASS III (Ages 13-15)
Winner:          Anjani Kondapalli       Quest of the Sorceress
2nd Place:     Justin Wang               Dance of the Snowman

Beethoven Composition Event
Ethan Chen                The Mythical Journey
Lily Hyslop                  Summertime Carnival
Albert Liu                    Chicken Dance
Ivan Liu                       Goblin Dance
Lilliana Xu                   Trampoline Fun!
Wesley Zhou               The Haunted Shipwreck

Renee Burgpali           Stepping Stones in the Stream
Eric Higgins                 The Chilling Chamber
Claire Yu                      Evening Masquerade

Jolin Cheng                  Mystic Dragon Dance
Kenneth Grecu             The Crusade
Katherine Liu                Age
Justin Wang                  Dance of the Snowman
Isabel Yang                   Summerieme Memories


NCMTA Young Composers Competitions
3rd Place:  Wesley Zhou                     The Haunted Mansion
HM:            Lilliana Xu                          Park Swings
3rd Place:  Claire Yu                           Pirate's Dance

HM:            Isabel Yang                      Scenes from the Ourter Banks
3rd Place:  Arjun Anilkumar                A Swiss Journey

International Piano Composition Competition (sponsored by the Guild)
Arjun Anilkumar                                            A Swiss Journey
Claire Yu                                                      Pirate's Dance

Katie Dong                                                  The Midnight Escape

Federation Junior Composers Competition
CLASS I (Ages 9 and under)
Winner:       Wesley Xhou                            The Haunted Mansion
2nd Place:  Evie Yang                                  Butterflies and Rainbows

CLASS II (Ages 10-12)
2nd Place:  Ethan Chen                               Dance of the Ghosts

CLASS III (Ages 13-15)
Winner:       Isabel Yang                               Scenes from the Outer Banks
2nd Place:  Wilson Zheng                            The Castle Ghost

CLASS IV (Ages 16-18)
Winner:      Arjun Anilkumar                          A Swiss Journey
2nd Place: Kenneth Grecu                           Macabre Dance

Beethoven Composition Event
Special Commendations!
Ethan Chen               Dance of the Ghosts
Lily Hyslop                 The Dungeon
Anna Li                       Creepy Cave
Lilliana Xu                  Park Swings
Evie Yang                   Butterflies and Rainbows
Wesley Zhou              The Haunted Mansion

Anjani Kondapalli       The Abandoned Castle
Kaden Li                     Beach Blast
Edward Liu                 Festival Dance
Claire Yu                     Pirate's Dance

Arjun Anilkumar         A Swiss Journey
Israel Dong                Message in a Bottle
Kenneth Grecu          Macabre Dance
Isabel Yang                Scenes from the Outer Banks


NCMTA Young Composers Competition
2nd:   Claire Yu                    Creepy Bats
3rd:    Ethan Chen               Waterspouts

HM:    Isabel Yang               The Queen's Waltz

2nd:    Arjun Anilkumar        Midnight Mystery
3rd:     Elaine Tang              Daybreak
HM:     Kenneth Grecu        The Sorcerer's Challenge

NC Federation Junior Composers Contest
Class I
1st:  Gwendolyn Martin      Waltz of the Ghosts
2nd:  Aria Johnson             Pizza Party

Class II
1st:  Chelsea Zhang           Playful Fawns
2nd:  Claire Yu                   Creepy Bats

Class III
2nd:  Madison Park            Sailing the Islands

Class IV
1st:  Edward Yang              Transformation
2nd:  Irene Yang                 Reflections

International Piano Composition Contest (sponsored by the GUILD)

Arjun Anilkumar                  Midnight Mystery
Kenneth Grecu                   The Sorcerer's Challenge
Madison Park                     Sailing the Islands

Ethan Chen                        Waterspouts
Edward Liu                         Troll Dance
Elaine Tang                         Daybreak
Edward Yang                      Transformation
Isabbel Yang                       The Queen's Waltz
Brian Zhang                        Dancing in the Park

Beethoven Composition Event
Special Commendations
Ethan Chen                          Waterspouts
Edward Liu                           Troll Dance
Harper Lucke                        Waltz of the Seahorses
Gwendolyn Martin                 Waltz of the Ghosts
Evie Yang                              Merry-Go-Round
Claire Yu                               Creepy Bats
Chelsea Zhang                     Playful Fawns

Anjani Kondapalli                 Midnight Pursuit
Tomas Mateus                     Pirate's Quest
Madison Park                      Sailing the Islands
Isabel Yang                         The Queen's Waltz
Wilson Zheng                      Haunted House

Arjun Anilkumar                   Midnight Mystery
Kenneth Grecu                    The Sorcerer's Challenge
Elaine Tang                          Daybreak
Edward Yang                       Transformation
Irene Yang                           Reflections


NCMTA Young Composers Contest
1st                          Chelsea Zhang                  Squirrels Playing Hopscotch
3rd                          Edward Liu                        Deer in the Woods

1st                           Isabel Yang                       Rolling Waves
2nd                          Kenneth Grecu                 The Antique Music Box
3rd                           Madison Park                   Irish Countryside
HM                          Tomas Mateus                   Medieval Festival

1st                           Olivia Yang                        Rhapsody in e minor
2nd                          April Shi                             Reminiscence
HM                          Torie Grecu                        Summer Memories

International Piano Composition Contest (sponsored by the Guild)

Chelsea Zhang          Squirrels Playing Hopscotch

Carter Craig               Processione
Kenneth Grecu          The Antique Music Box
Anna Li                       Ice Cream Flavors
Edward Liu                 Deer in the Woods
April Shi                      Reminiscence
Edward Yang              Silly Semiquavers
Isabel Yang                 Rolling Waves

North Carolina Federation Junior Composers Contest
           Class I (Ages 9 and under)
Winner:                      Harper Lucke                   Summertime
2nd Place:                 Claire Yu                           Country Fair
           Class II (Ages 10-12) 
Winner:                      Isabel Yang                       Rolling Waves
2nd Place:                 Madison Park                   Irish Countryside
           Class III (Ages 13-15)
2nd Place:                 Anthony Yang                  Sailing the Balearic Islands
           Class IV (Ages 16-18)
Winner:                     April Shi                            Reminiscence
2nd Place:                Olivia Yang                        Rhapsody in e minor

Beethoven Composition Conttest
Special Commendations
Anna Li                     Ice Cream Flavors
Chelsea Zhang         Squirrels Playing Hopscotch
Claire Yu                   Country Fair
Harper Lucke           Summertime
Edward Liu               Deer in the Woods

Anjani Kondapalli     Forest Animals
Isabel Yang              Rolling Waves
Madison Park           Irish Countryside
Tomas Mateus         Medieval Festival
Anthony Yang          Sailing the Balearic Islands
Kenneth Grecu        The Antique Music Box

Elaine Tang              Bloom
April Shi                   Reminiscence
Irene Yang               Hope is Coming
Torie Grecu             Summer Memories
Ivy Liu                      Lucioles de la Luna (Fireflies of the Moon)
Carter Craig             Processione


Winner:                    Shawn An                           A Sled Dog's Day Off
Shawn's compsition was published in the 2020 December issue.)

NCMTA Young Composers Contest Winners!  
1st                           Gabriela Mateus                 The Mysterious Mansion
2nd                          Anjani Kondapalli              Lonesome Puppy
3rd                           Harper Lucke                     Dancing Pumpkins
HM                           Chelsea Zhang                   Dancing Ice Crystals

1st                           Tomas Mateus                    Rise of the Pharaoh
2nd                          Anthony Yang                    Morning Breeze
3rd                           Kenneth Grecu                  The Amusement Park
HM                           Madison Park                     Pirates in Pursuit

1st                           Olivia Yang                          Rhapsody in c minor
2nd                          Elaine Tang                         Memories
3rd                           Sarah Major                        Creepy Castle
HM                           Audrey Zhou                       Dragon Quest

Federation Junior Composers STATE Contest
          Class I (Ages 9 and Under)
Winner                    Gabriela Mateus                 The Mysterious Mansion
2nd                          Chelsea Zhang                   Dancing Ice Crystals

Class II (Ages 10-12)
Winner                     Isabel Yang                         Springtime in the Forest
2nd                           Madison Park                      Pirates in Pursuit

Class III (Ages 13-15)
Winner                      Sarah Major                        Creepy Castle
2nd                            Torie Grecu                         Barcelona Visit

Class IV (Ages 16-18)
Winner                       Shawn An                          Auf Wiedersehen

International Piano Composition Contest
(sponsored by the GUILD)
Audrey Zhou                                Dragon Quest
Shawn An                                     Auf Wiedersehen
Sanjana Bellapu                           Sailing the Bermuda Triangle
Carter Craig                                  The Sorcerer's Revenge
Gabriela Mateus                           The Mysterious Mansion
Tomas Mateus                               Rise of the Pharaoh
Olivia Yang                                     Rhapsody in c minor
Chelsea Zhang                              Dancing Ice Crystals

Beethoven Composition Contest
Special Commendations
Chelsea Zhang                            Dancing Ice Crystals
Harper Lucke                               Dancing Pumpkins
Gabriela Mateus                           Mysterious Mansion
Anjani Kondapalli                         Lonesome Puppy

Isabel Yang                                  Springtime in the Forest
Madison Park                               Pirates in Pursuit
Tomas Mateus                              The Pharaoh's Rise
Anthony Yang                               The Taste of Summer (Suite)
Kenneth Grecu                              The Amusement Park
Sarah Major                                   Creepy Castle

Irene Yang                                     Across the Sea
Torie Grecu                                    Barcelona Visit
Carter Craig                                   Sorcerer's Revenge
Sanjana Bellapu                            Sailing the Bermuda Triangle
Audrey Zhou                                  Dragon Quest
Shawn An                                      Auf Wiedersehen


NCMTA Young Composers Contest Winners!
   1st                Isabel Yang                     The Circus Parade
   2nd               Nandhana Ramesh         Midnight Dance
   3rd                Anjani Kondapalli            Woodland Dance
   HM               Gabriela Mateus              Traveling Gypsies

   1st                 Anthony Yang                  Invention, No.1 in d minor
   2nd                Tomas Mateus                 Pirates on the Rampage!
   3rd                 Elaine Tang                     Message in a Bottle

   1st                 Audrey Zhou                    City Lights
   2nd                Olivia Yang                      Rhapsody in c minor
   3rd                 Shawn An                        The Island Suite
   HM                Giancarlo Carpinelli          New York Cafe

Federation Junior Composers STATE Contest
          Class I (Ages 9 and Under)
Winner            Gabriela Mateus           Traveling Gypsies
          Class II (Ages 10-12)
Winner            Tomas Mateus              Pirates on the Rampage!
2nd Place        Anthony Yang              Invention No.1, in d minor

          Class III (Ages 13-15)
Winner             Elaine Tang                  Message in a Bottle
2nd Place        Torie Grecu                  Tales from the British Isles

          Class IV (Ages 16-18)
Winner             Shawn An                     The Island Suite
2nd Place        William Pak                   Final Chapter

International Piano Composition Contest
(sponsored by the Guild)
Giancarlo Carpinelli        New York Cafe
Audrey Zhou                  City Lights

Shawn An                      The Island Suite
Sanjana Bellapu            Waltz in A Major
Carter Craig                   The Tzar's Waltz
William Pak                    Final Chapter
Elaine Tang                    Message in a Bottle

Beethoven Compostion Event
Special Commendations
Tomas Mateus               Pirates on the Rampage!
Madison Park                Peeve's Mischief
Isabel Yang                   The Circus Parade

Elaine Tang                    Message in a Bottle
Anthony Yang                Invention No.1 in d minor

Sanjana Sri Bellapu       Waltz in A Major
Carter Craig                   The Tsar's Waltz
William Pak                    Final Chapter
Audrey Zhou                  City Lights

NCMTA Young Composers Competition Winners!
    1st     Isabel Yang (The Cupcake Waltz)
     2nd    Eleanor Zhang (Sprinttime Festival)
     3rd     Alexander Shi (Chase in the Haunted Forest)
    1st     Olivia Yang (The Lucerne Suite)
     2nd    April Shi (Wings)
     HM     Nathan Zhang (The Gypsy Travelers)
    1st     Sanjana Bellapu (Caribbean Breeze)
     2nd     Carson Garcia (Memories of Ellie)
     3rd     Audrey Zhou (Hall of Illusions)
     HM     Shawn An (Portraits of the Wild West)

International Composition Competition (Guild)
            April Shi (Wings)
              Olivia Yang  (The Lucerne Suite)
              Audrey Zhou  (Hall of Illusions)
           Sanjana Bellapu  (Caribbean Breeze)
              Lindsay-Catherine May  (Symphony of Summer Nights)
              William Pak  (Departure)
              Anthnony Yang  (The Ocean's Mysteries)
              Eleanor Zhang  (Springtime Festival)
              Nathan Zhang  (The Gypsy Travelers)
              Lynn Zhao  (Journey of the Gypsies)
Federation Junior Composers STATE CONTEST 
                                                          Class I  (Ages 9 and Under)

            WINNER:      Isabel Yang  (The Cupcake Waltz)  

            2nd Place:     Eleanor Zhang   (Springtime Festival)          


                                                Class II (Ages 10-12)

            WINNER:       Nathan Zhang   (The Gypsy Traverlers)

            2nd Place:       Anthony Yang  (The Ocean's Mysteries)


                                                Class III  (Ages 13-15)

            WINNER:        Ashna Patel  (Venetian Masquerade)

            2nd Place:       Olivia Yang   (The Lucerne Suite)            

                                                Class IV (Ages 16-18)

            WINNER:        William Pak  (Departure)


Beethoven Composition Special Commendations
Ethan He "The Prowling Night Wolves"
Alex Shi "Chase in the Haunted Forest"
Eleanor Zhang "Springtime Festival"
Isabel Yang "The Cupcake Waltz"
Anthony Yang "The Ocean's Mysteries"
Kenneth Grecu "March of the Forest Trolls"
Lynn Zhao "Journey of the Gypsies"
Nathan Zhang "The Gypsy Travelers"
Abhinav Amith "Night in the Woods"
Elaine Tang "The Sorcerer's Secret"
April Shi "Wings"
Irene Yang "The Ghostly Midnight Waltz"
Torie Grecu "The Flower Garden"
Deems May "The Pirates Attack!!"
Olivia Yang "The Lucerne Suite"
Sanjana Bellapu "Caribbean Breeze"
Audrey Zhou "Hall of Illusions"
Ashna Patel "Venetian Masquerade"
Carter Craig "The Final Stand"
Shawn An "Portrait of the Wild West"
William Pak "Departure"
Carson Garcia "Memories of Ellie"
Lindsay-Catherine May "Symphony of Summer Nights"

Lynn Freeman Olson National Composition Competition
     NATIONAL WINNER:   Shawn An

(sponsored by Clavier Companion)
Winning Compositions are published in the National Magazine!
     NATIONAL WINNER:   Anthony Yang   (Lakeside Walks in Switzerland)  

NCMTA Young Composers Competition
1st Place:          Isabel Yang                        Camel Ride
2nd Place:         Nathan Zhang                    Summertime Festival
3rd Place:          Evan Xie                             Halloween Night
HM:                    Anthony Yang                    European Travels
1st  Place:          Sanjana Bellapu               Moonlight River
2nd Place:          Olivia Yang                      Fantasia in g minor
3rd Place:           April Shi                           Autumn Waltz
HM:                     Irene Yang                      Dance of the Midnight Witches
2nd Place:          Carson Garcia                 Nocturne in g minor
3rd Place:           Lindsay-Catherine May   Flamenco Rhapsody
HM:                     William Pak                     Reflections

International Piano Composition Competition
(sponsored by the American College of Musicians - GUILD)
Shawn An                     Sailing the Seven Seas
               William Pak                   Reflections
Claire Bengough           The Melancholy Witch
               Sophie Liu                     The Music Box
               Alex Shi                         Ghosts in the Haunted House
               Evan Xie                        Halloween Night
               Anthony Yang                Europeen Travels
               Isabel Yang                   Egyptian Camel Ride

Federation Junior Composition REGIONAL CONTEST 


Federation Junior Composers STATE CONTEST
                                                          Class I  (Ages 9 and Under)

            WINNER:       Anthony Yang             European Travels

            2nd Place:       Isabel Yang                 Egyptian Camel Ride

            HM:                 Ellen Eichstedt           The Dancing Leprechans


                                                Class II (Ages 10-12)

            WINNER:       Olivia Yang                  Fantasia in g minor

            2nd Place:       April Shi                       Autumn Waltz

            HM:                 Sarah Eichstedt          The Horses of Camaragues

            HM:                 Torie Grecu                 Wedding Celebration

            HM:                 Elaine Tang                 The Enchanted Garden

            HM:                 Irene Yang                   Dance of the Midnight Witches


                                                Class III  (Ages 13-15)

            WINNER:       Shawn An                    Sailing the Seven Seas 

            2nd Place:       Sanjana Bellapu           Moonlight River

            HM:                Carter Craig                  Shadows Behind Me

            HM:                William Pak                   Reflections

                                                Class IV (Ages 16-18)

            2nd Place::      Jun Son                      Night Train


Beethoven Composition Special Commendations
Kenny Grecu "Dance of the Pirates"
Anthony Yang "European Travels"
Eleanor Zhang "The Dancing Flowers"
Sonia Zhang "Butterflies"
Carter Craig "Shadows Behind Me"
Deems May "Blackbeard is Coming!"
Olivia Yang "Fantasia in g minor"
William Pak "Reflections"
Jun Son "Night Train"

NCMTA Young Composers Competition
1st Place:          Anthony Yang                    Variations of Fall Colors
2nd Place:         Ellen Eichstedt                   Kayaking the Ocean Waves
3rd Place:          Nathan Zhang                    The Leprechaun
1st  Place:           April Shi                           Rivulets
2nd Place:          Audrey Zhou                    Summertime Ice Cream Truck
3rd Place:           Ashna Patel                     Blue Ridge Bicycle Ride
2nd Place:           Jun Son                           Syncopation
3rd Place:           Lindsay-Catherine May    Queen Anne's Revenge
HM:                     Carson Carcia                 Nocturne in G

International Piano Composition Contest

(sponsored by American College of Musicians - Guild)

           WINNER:        Vance Ayscue                   European Travels

           WINNER:        April Shi                             Rivulets
           HM:                 Sophie Liu                         A Tour of Italy
           HM:                 Lindsay-Catherine May     Queen Anne's Revenge
           HM:                 Jana Pak                           Dance of the Little Elves
           HM:                 Jun Son                             Syncopation
           HM:                 Anthony Yang                    Variations of Fall Colors
Federation Junior Composition REGIONAL CONTEST 
                                                Class I (Ages 9 and under)

            WINNER:        Anthony Yang                     Variations of Fall Colors

Federation Junior Composers STATE CONTEST
                                                           Class I  (Ages 9 and Under)

            WINNER:       Anthony Yang             Variations of Fall Colors

            2nd Place:       Ellen Eichstedt           Kayaking the Ocean Waves

                                                Class II (Ages 10-12)

            WINNER:        April Shi                      Rivulets

            2nd Place:       Sophie Liu                   A Tour of Italy

                                                Class III  (Ages 13-15)

            2nd Place:        William Pak                 New Heights

                                                Class IV (Ages 16-18)

            2nd Place::      Jun Son                      Syncopation


Beethoven Composition Special Commendations
Ellen Eichstedt "Kayaking the Ocean Waves"
Sarah Eichstedt "Horseback Ride Throught the Sorcerer's Forest"
Elaine Tang "The Arctic Trek"
Alex Shi "Halloween Ghosts"
Anthony Yang "Variations of Fall Colors"
Melody Zeng "Dance of the Munchkins"
Nathan Zhang "The Leprechauns"
Shawn An "The Turning Tides"
Ivy Liu "Spirit of the Sea"
Ashna Patel "Blue Ridge Bicycle Ride"
April Shi "Rivulets"
Oivia Yang "Dreaming of the Sea"
Audrey Zhou "Summertime Ice Crean Truck"
Vance Aysue  "European Travels"
Yena Kang  "The Tree Way"
Lindsay-Catherine May  "Queen Anne's Revenge"
Willian Pak  "New Heights"
Jun Son  "Syncopation"

NCMTA Young Composers Competition
1st Place:          Sarah Eichstedt          Traveling Over the Open Seas
2nd Place:         Anthony Yang            The Irish Dancers
3rd Place:          Melody Zeng              The Great Monarch
HM:                   Elaine Tang                Spring Waltz
1st  Place:           William Pak            Dreams of the Sea
2nd Place:          Olivia Yang            The Moonlit River
3rd Place:           Ivy Liu                    The Mystical Garden
HM:                    Christina Yang        Dance of the Spooky Witches
2nd Place:           Jun Son                  Summertime Rag
3rd Place:           Carson Garcia         Rhapsody in Bb Minor
HM:                     Yena Kang             Sakura Breeze
HM:                     Matthew Buie          Procession of the Circus Elephants
(sponsored by Clavier Companion)
     Sarah Eichstedt (Flight of the Pegasuses)  Second Place
     Olivia Yang  (The Pegasus of Moonlight)        HM
     Carson Garcia  (Flight of the Phoenix)            HM
International Piano Composition Contest

(sponsored by American College of Musicians - Guild)

           WINNER:        William Pak                      Dreams of the Sea

           WINNER:        Yena Kang                       Sakura Breeze
           WINNER:        Jun Son                            Summertime Rag
           FINALIST:       Ellen Eichstedt                 The Hopping Frogs
           FINALIST:       Carson Garcia                  Rhapsody in Bb minor
           HM:                 Shawn An                         Waltz in Eb Major
           HM:                 Kai Chen                           Dinos at Dawn
           HM:                 Deems May                       The Haunted House
           HM:                 Lindsay-Catherine May     Viennese Waltz
           HM:                 Natalie Tai                         A Dream of Autumn
           HM:                 Rachel Witner                    Wild Horses of Tuscany
Federation Junior Composition REGIONAL CONTEST 
                                                Class IV (Ages 16-18)

            WINNER:        Jun Son                       Summertime Rag

Federation Junior Composition STATE CONTEST
                                                Class I  (Ages 9 and Under)

            WINNER:       Sarah Eichstedt          Traveling Over the Open Seas

            2nd Place:       Melody Zeng              The Great Monarch

                                                Class II (Ages 10-12)

            WINNER:        Olivia Yang                 The Moonlit River

            2nd Place:        Elaine Tang                Spring Waltz

                                                Class III  (Ages 13-15)

            WINNER:        William Pak                 Dreams of the Sea

            2nd Place:        Natalie Tai                   A Dream of Autumn

                                                Class IV (Ages 16-18)

            WINNER:        Jun Son                       Summertime Rag

Charlotte Music Teachers Association
Beethoven Composition Event "Special Commendations"
Jana Pak            The French Marching Band
Christina Yang    Dance of the Spooky Witches
Melody Zeng       The Great Monarch
Matthew Buie     Procession of the Circus Elephants
Carson Garcia   Rhapsody in Bb minor
William Pak        Dreams of the Sea
Natalie Tai         A Dream of Autumn
Yena Kang        Sakura Breeze
NCMTA Young Composers Competition
1st Place:          Olivia Yang            The Lost Love Letter
2nd Place:         Anthony Yang        Indian Drums
3rd Place:          Christina Yang        Flight of the Witches
HM:                   Hansford Curran     The Marching Penguins
HM:                   Sarah Eichstedt      Halloween Night
2nd Place:          Justin Roen            The Four Seasons
3rd Place:           Shawn An               Rondo in d minor
HM:                    William Pak             Antique Waltz
1st Place:           Jun Son                   Rhapsody in g minor
2nd Place:          Vance Ayscue         The Pirate's Quest
3rd Place:           Mitchell Erb             Under the Willow Tree
International Piano Composition Contest

(sponsored by American College of Musicians - Guild)

           WINNER:        Anna Osment              Grand Canyon by Horseback

            HM:                Vance Ayscue             The Pirate's Quest

            HM:                Lindsay-Catherine May  Reflections by the Shore

            HM:                William Pak                 Antique Waltz

            HM:                Ashna Patel                The Old Haunted Mansion

            HM:                Spencer Watson         The Creepy Graveyard

            HM:                Rachel Witner              Kokopelli's Legend

            HM:                Audrey Zhou                Summer Horseback Ride


Federation Junior Composers REGIONAL CONTEST
      WINNER;             Rachel Witner               Kokopelli's Legend


Federation Junior Composers STATE CONTEST

                                               Class I  (Ages 9 and Under)

            WINNER:       Elaine Tang                 Ghosts in the Haunted Castle

            2nd Place:       Christina Yang            Flight of the Witches

                                                Class II (Ages 10-12)

            WINNER:        Ivy Liu                         The Russian Spy

            2nd Place:        Sophie Liu                   Circus Show

                                                Class III  (Ages 13-15)

            WINNER:        Rachel Witner             Kokopelli's Legend

            2nd Place:        Jun Son                      Rhapsody in g minor

                                                Class IV (Ages 16-18) 

            2nd Place:       Anna Osment               Grand Canyon by Horseback



Beethoven Composition Event (Special Commendations)
                Carter Craig                                  Waltz of the Autumn Leaves
                Ivy Liu                                           The Russian Spy
                Ben Lu                                           Fourth of July Parade
                Olivia Yang                                    The Lost Love Letter
                Melody Zeng                                  The Two Talking Parrots
                Audrey Zhou                                  Summer Horseback Ride
                 Shawn An                                      Rondo in d minor
                 Chloe Ayscue                                Marionettes
                 Elizabeth Buie                               Under the Big Top
                 Lindsay-Catherine May                Reflections by the Shore
                 William Pak                                    Antique Waltz
                 Spencer Watson                            The Creepy Graveyard
                 Vance Ayscue                               The Pirate's Quest
                 Mitchelll Erb                                  Under the Willow Tree
                 Anna Osment                                Grand Canyon by Horseback
                 Akshay Patel                                 The Antiques in the Attic
                 Jun Son                                          Rhapsody in g minor
                 Rachel Witner                                Kokopelli's Legend
                 Shirley Zeng                                  Mardi Gras Celebration

National Federation of Music Clubs
Lynn Freeman Olson National Composition Competition
HONORABLE MENTION:    Rachel Witner     Scampering Squirrels!

International Piano Composition Contest

(sponsored by American College of Musicians - Guild)

           WINNER:        Fletcher Curran          Fireworks!

            FINALIST:      Sarah Johnson            Old English Romance

            HM:                 Vance Ayscue            Christmas Memories

                                               Class IV (Ages 16-18)

            WINNER:        Anna Osment             Rocky Mountain Splendors

Federation Junior Composers STATE CONTEST

                                               Class I  (Ages 9 and Under)

            WINNER:        Ivy Liu                         The Mysterious Castle

            2nd Place:       Christina Yang            Spring Festival

                                                Class II (Ages 10-12)

            WINNER:        James Welsh              The Evil Dragons

                                                Class III  (Ages 13-15)

            WINNER:        Rachel Witner             The Traveling Carnival

            2nd Place:        Vance Ayscue             Christmas Memories

                                                Class IV (Ages 16-18)

            WINNER:        Sarah Johnson             Old English Romance  

            2nd Place:       Anna Osmelnt                Rocky Mountain Splendors

International Piano Composition Contest

(sponsored by American College of Musicians - Guild)

            WINNER:        Sarah Johnson          Love’s Remembrance

            FINALIST:       Madison Burke          Maleficent’s Dance

            HM:                 John Byrum                Momentary Meeting

                                    Erin Coss                   Three Playful Kittens

                                    Anna Osment             Cruising Jamaican Waters

                                    Stacey Park                Flamenco Dance at Midnight

                                    Christina Yang            Jazzy Band

                                    Audrey Zhou               The Busy Spider


Federation Junior Composers State Contest

                                                Class I  (Ages 9 and Under)

            WINNER:        Ivy Liu                         Chinese Flower Garden

            2nd Place:       Christina Yang            Jazzy Band

                                                Class II (Ages 10-12)

            WINNER:        Kevin Lu                      Witch’s Dance

            2nd Place:       James Welsh              The Dancing Raindrops

                                                Class III  (Ages 13-15)

            WINNER:        Rachel Witner             The Enchanted Carousel

            2nd Place:        Mitchell Erb                 The Pirate’s Quest

                                                Class IV (Ages 16-18)

            WINNER:        John Byrum                  Momentary Meeting   

            2nd Place:       Stacey Park                  Flamenco Dance at Midnight


North Carolina Music Teachers Association Young Composers State Contest

                                                ELEMENTARY DIVISION

            WINNER:         Ivy Liu                          Chinese Flower Garden

            2nd Place:        Shawn An                    The Ancient Castle

                                                JUNIOR DIVISION

            WINNER:        Colin Erb                      The Midnight Ride

            2nd Place:        Kevin Lu                       Witch’s Dance

            HM:                  Mitchell Erb                 The Pirate’s Quest

                                                SENIOR DIVISION

            3rd Place:         Anna Osment               Cruising Jamaican Waters


Beethoven Composition Event (Special Commendations)


                  Michelle Yang                Dancing Ghosts
                  Elaine Tang                   The Sad Jack-o-Lantern
                  Hansford Curran            Fireworks!
                  Ivy Liu                             The Mysterious Castle
                  Sophie Liu                      The PIrate's Adventures
                  Carter Craig                    Midnight Waters
                  Justin Roen                    Teashing Etude
                   Lindsay-Catherine May The Secret Agent
                    Akshay Patel                 Black Forest Dance
                    Vance Ayscue               Christmas Memories
                    Anna Osment                Rocky Mountain Splendors
                    Stacey Park                   Searching For My Lost Love
                    Sarah Johnson              Old English Romance




International Piano Composition Contest

(sponsored by American College of Musicians - Guild)

            WINNER:       Lindsay-Catherine May  The Sea Serpent

            FINALISTS:   Anne Buie                        Lizzie and Mr. Darcy

                                   Grace Lee Simmons      The Antique Carousel

            HM:                Vance Ayscue                 Caribbean Vacation

                                   Ian Fauchier                    The Jazzy Jaguar

                                   Brendan Shi                     Reflections


Federation Junior Composers State Contest

                                                Class I  (Ages 9 and Under)

            WINNER:        Sophie Liu                    The Magical Palace

            2nd Place:       Audrey Zhou                 The School Playground

                                                Class II (Ages 10-12)

            WINNER:        Fletcher Curran            The Jolly Jittery Juggler

            2nd Place:        James Welsh                Rainforest Rhythms

                                                Class III  (Ages 13-15)

            WINNER:         Anna Osment              Summer at the Bahamas

            2nd Place:        Stacey Park                  Percolating Penguins

                                                Class IV (Ages 16-18)

            2nd Place:         Madison Burke           Calypso’s Waltz


North Carolina Music Teachers Association Young Composers State Contest

                                                ELEMENTARY DIVISION

            WINNER:         Audrey Zhou               The School Playground

                                                JUNIOR DIVISION

            WINNER:         Alex Chen                   Summer Festival

            2nd Place:         Kevin Lu                      Halloween Spook

            3rd Place:          Ian Fauchier                The Jazzy Jaguar

                                                SENIOR DIVISION

            1st Place:          Madison Burke            Calypso’s Waltz


Beethoven Composition Event (Special Commendations)

            Shawn An, Vance Ayscue, Madison Burke, John Byrum, Elizabeth Buie, Carter Craig,

            Fletcher Curran, Mitchell Erb, Ian Fauchier, Sarah Johnson, Sophie Liu,

            Lindsay-Catherine May, Anna Osment, Akshay Patel, Stacey Park, James Welsh,




International Piano Composition Contest

(sponsored by American College of Musicians - Guild)

            WINNERS:     Harrison Allen              Catawba Indian Lament

                                    Fletcher Curran           Dance of the Skeletons

                                    Stacey Park                 A Dying Sacrifice for Love

            FINALIST:      Brendan Shi                  Muscovite March

            HM:                 Sarah Johnson             Solar Eclipse

                                    David Milligan              The Marching Band

                                    Grace Lee Simmons    Dorothy’s Adventures in Oz


Federation Junior Composers State Contest

                                                Class I  (Ages 9 and Under)

            WINNER:        James Welsh                The Musical Sounds of Autumn

            2nd Place:        Carter Craig                  March of the U.S. A.

                                                Class II (Ages 10-12)

            WINNER:        Vance Ayscue              Cherokee Sun Dance

            2nd Place:        Rachel Witner              County Fair

                                                Class III  (Ages 13-15)

            2nd Place:        Sara Lee                      The Last Dance

                                                Class IV (Ages 16-18)

            2nd Place:        Grace Lee Simmons    Dorothy’s Adventures in Oz


North Carolina Music Teachers Association Young Composers State Contest

                                                ELEMENTARY DIVISION

            WINNER:         Fletcher Curran           Dance of the Skeletons

            2nd Place:         James Welsh               The Musical Sounds of Autumn

                                                JUNIOR DIVISION

            2nd Place:         Rachel Witner             County Fair

            3rd Place:          Vance Ayscue            Cherokee Sun Dance

                                                SENIOR DIVISION

            WINNER:         Grace Lee Simmons    Dorothy’s Adventures in Oz

            2nd Place:         Anne Buie                    Lizzy and Mr. Darcy

            3rd Place:          Anna Osment              Sailing the Mediterranean

            3rd Place:          Stacey Park                 A Dying Sacrifice for Love


Beethoven Composition Event (Special Commendations)

            Fletcher Curran, Sophie Liu, Lindsay-Catherine May, Brendan Shi, Rachel Witner


PTA Reflections State Composition Contest

            WINNER:       Anna Osment




International Piano Composition Contest

(sponsored by American College of Musicians - Guild)

            HM:                 Elizabeth Buie              Rachel’s Pony

                                    Tony Geppert               Nine O’Clock Blues

                                    Sara Lee                      Beneath the Cherry Blossom Tree

                                    Will Simmons               Indian Moon Dance

                                    James Welsh               The Musical Serpent


Federation Junior Composers State Contest

                                                Class I  (Ages 9 and Under)

            WINNER:        Fletcher Curran            Dance of the Warlocks

            2nd Place:        James Welsh               The Musical Serpent

                                                Class III  (Ages 13-15)

            WINNER:        Brendan Shi                Waltz in f# minor

                                                Class IV (Ages 16-18)

            WINNER:        Grace Lee Simmons    Mulan’s Masquerade 

            2nd Place:        Tony Geppert               Nine O’Clock Blues



North Carolina Music Teachers Association Young Composers State Contest

                                                ELEMENTARY DIVISION

            WINNER:        Jesse Curran                The Haunted House

            2nd Place:        James Welsh                The Musical Serpent

            3rd Place:         Fletcher Curran            Dance of the Warlocks

            HM:                 Rachel Witner               The Haunted Castle

                                                JUNIOR DIVISION

            WINNER:        Madison Burke             Midnight in Moscow

            2nd Place:        Alex Chen                    Cherokee Fire Dance

            3rd Place:         Sara Lee                      Beneath the Cherry Blossom Tree

            HM:                 Will Simmons                Indian Moon Dance

                                                SENIOR DIVISION

            WINNER:        Brendan Shi                 Waltz in f# minor

            2nd Place:        Katherine Williams       The Pharaoh’s Phantom

            3rd Place:         Grace Lee Simmons    Mulan’s Masquerade 

            HM:                 Anne Buie                     The Devil’s Toccata

            HM:                 Molly McDade               Sweet Sixteen


Beethoven Composition Event (Special Commendations)

               Ian Anderson, Alex Chen, Jesse Curran, Tony Geppert, Sara Lee, Molly McDade,

Anna Osment, Kate Player, Roddey Player, Brendan Shi, Melissa Shields,
Grace Lee Simmons, Will Simmons,  Rachel Witner




International Piano Composition Contest

(sponsored by American College of Musicians - Guild)

            WINNER:        Hannah Clark              The Encounter

            FINALISTS:    Ian Anderson               The Regal Stallion

                                    Anne Buie                   Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

            HM:                 Lily Clark                      Morning Church Bells

                                    Natalie Popovich         Spring Events

                                    Brendan Shi                A Night in Spain

                                    Will Simmons              The Sad Indian


Federation Junior Composers State Contest

                                                Class I  (Ages 9 and Under)

            WINNER:        Jesse Curran                Thunder’s Revolt

            2nd Place:        Owen E.                       The Sheriff’s Blues

                                                Class II (Ages 10-12)

            WINNER:        Sara Lee                       The Turning Tide

                                                Class III  (Ages 13-15)

            WINNER:        Brendan Shi                  A Night in Spain

            2nd Place:        Madison Burke              Gypsy Caravan

                                                Class IV (Ages 16-18)

            2nd Place:        Tony Geppert                Schroeder’s Blues


North Carolina Music Teachers Association Young Composers State Contest

                                                ELEMENTARY DIVISION

            WINNER:        Jesse Curran                Thunder’s Revolt

            2nd Place:        Rachel Witner               Scampering Squirrels

            3rd Place:         Will Simmons               The Sad Indian

                                                JUNIOR DIVISION

            3rd Place:         Brendan Shi                 A Night in Spain

            HM:                 Sara Lee                       The Turning Tide

                                                SENIOR DIVISION

            2nd Place:        Tony Geppert               Schroeder’s Blues

            3rd Place:         Katherine Williams       The Ladies Chat

            HM:                 Roddey Player              Terrors of the Atlantic


Beethoven Composition Event (Special Commendations)

               Ian Anderson, Ben Arant, Madison Burke, Hannah Clark, Natalie Clark,

Tony Geppert, Sarah Johnson, Sara Lee, Molly McDade, Anna Osment,
Kate Player, Roddey Player


PTA Reflections Composition Contest (District and State* Winners)


            WINNER:        Rachel Witner*

            3rd Place:         Katherine Allen


            WINNER:        Sara Lee*


            2nd Place:        Tony Geppert

            3rd Place:         Melissa Shields