Higgins Piano Studio

Piano Lessons and Composition Camps


Graduating Senior Recitals

Each Graduating Senior is given the opportunity to plan their own Graduating Senior Recital.  Under my guidance, the student is responsible for securing the venue, setting the date/time for both the performance and dress rehearsal, selecting the repertoire, printing the program, sending invitations, and planning a reception.

Congratulations to the following

Graduating Seniors who performed a

Graduating Senior Recital!

Claire Bengough
Carson Garcia
Doug Dracon
Rachel Witner
Vance Ayscue
Anna Osment
Sarah Johnson
Stacey Park
Madison Burke
Brendan Shi
April Dai
Tony Geppert
Ian Anderson
Natalie Popovich
Christa Fields
Richard Williams
Alex Casat
Deanna Lomax
Elizabeth Freeman
Cheryl Anne Arant
Jessie Colavita
Jennifer Glasgow
Mike Mowry
George Cooley
Melinda Woodall
Eleanor Nichols
Wes Williams
Krista Stilley
Sarah Williams
Carolyn Higgins
Caren Adler
Carsten Weber
Jenny Kinard
Dana Peacock
Shana Fields
Christina Goette
Peyton McCollum
Mary Katherine McGaughey